How to register for daum

How to sign up for daum

1. On the right hand side of the daum main page underneath the space to login, click on 회원가입

2. On the next page click on the first 가입하기 (next to ) 일반 회원 만 14세 이상 개인

3. On the next page click on the checkbox and then click on 다음단계로 which is the blue button

4. On the next page click on the third option 생년월일 and you should see the below options change

이름 (한글/영문대문자) Enter your name ie DOE JANE

성별 남 male 여 female

생년월일 birthdate 년 year 월 month 일 day

Then click on 다음단계로

5. On the next page, enter your cell phone number and click on 인증번호받기 to get a code sent to you. Once you have the code, click on 다음단계로.

6. On the next page enter a username, password, your email address, etc. and you will be registered on daum.


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  1. customer service center « Daecorea Says:

    […] […]

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